93 Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5QN

Tel: 0330 229 2619 (local rate call)


Sports Podiatry, 3D Running Analysis and Chiropody in Leeds City Centre

We can sort all your Podiatry needs from 3D running analysis to Routine Chiropody. Lots of free onsite parking and only a few minutes walk from the train station.

Services available: MSK Podiatry. Sports Podiatry. Ultra Sound Scans. Guided injections. Running analysis. Gait Analysis. Insoles. Orthotics.  Toe Splints. Foot Mobilisations. Fascial Manipulation. Nail Surgery. Chiropody. Corns and callus removal. Verruca treatment. Shoe modifications. Steroid injections. Shockwave Therapy. Laser Therapy

Give us a call: 0330 229 2619 (local rate call)

Email: podiatryclinicsyorkshireltd@gmail.com

Podiatry Clinics, 93 Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5QN