Bob and Lee do lectures under the title of “The Long and Short of….” (can you see what we did there) and last weekend we gave a day of lectures on Musculoskeletal Podiatry to the Kent Branch of the Royal College of Podiatry. Did you know as many people live in Kent as they do in Scotland?!

The morning consisted of teaching a methodical way of approaching MSK Podiatry patients. We went through different case scenarios and practised the relevant Orthopaedic tests that would aid diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been formed, we looked at different treatment plans that would help.

In the afternoon we looked at the gait cycle explaining why muscles fire when they do when walking and how running has a completely different set of mechanics that drive it. Running retraining was covered with an overview of what could be changed and how.
A big thank you to Akbal and Jill for inviting us down. If you are interested in booking us to give a talk – get in touch. Our email is: